

In today’s post-modern society, many claim that truth—and in particular moral truth—is relative and not absolute. At the same time, most people believe in universal human rights. However, if truth is not absolute, how can there be universal human rights?

This thought-provoking book focuses on this often overlooked contradiction and contends that a logical examination of the tension between moral relativism and universal human rights must lead to the acceptance of the existence of absolute moral truths. Why It Doesn't Matter What You Believe If It's Not True concludes that Christianity is the source of these moral truths and therefore of universal human rights.

“We are fed ideas in small sound bites that are really just the conclusions of particular beliefs. If the sound bites are presented by a source we are accustomed to accepting as true, there is a danger we will assimilate the conclusion without knowing, or caring, whether it is based on solid arguments and assumptions.”
Why It Doesn't Matter What You Believe If it Isn't True challenges those who embrace the “human rights urge” to honestly look at the contradiction between relative truth and universal human rights and dare to see without prejudice where this leads them. This book is a concise and thoughtful call to value absolute moral truth.

“In today’s postmodern culture, in which moral relativism is on the rise and truth has been sacrificed on the altar of tolerance, Stephen McAndrew’s Why It Doesn’t Matter What You Believe If It’s Not True not only makes a solid case for the existence of objective truth, but also for why it must exist if we are to be able to believe anything at all.”  Greg West Founder and Editor, The Poached Egg (

“How can we demand strict adherence to human rights laws, and say all morals are relative? Stephen McAndrew examines this question from a historical, philosophical and logical stand point. The best thing about this book is how simply he explains many of the philosophical teachings I have wondered about over the years.  Stephen gently but logically argues that any human rights laws not fully grounded on objective morality outside of human making will eventually be overturned by the demands of those in power. This book is short, practical and easy to understand. Great for lawyers, theologians, apologists and laymen alike.” Rick Schenker, President Ratio Christi (Defending Truth & Christianity at the University).
Go here to buy it on Amazon. 

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